Ahh Sweet Friday

Today is Friday, not a lot going on the job circuit. There is a gentlemen in England looking for a blogger, so correspondences are being passed between us to see if an agreement can be decided upon.

And that last sentence was harder to type than it should have been. While perusing blogs an interesting one came to my attention  Here’s another challenge for everyone… by The Hobbler. The challenge is to not use  the singular pronoun referring to oneself. Thus far it has been a creative challenge.

Only a short post today as it is getting exceedingly difficult to write in the first person without using that particular word. There is also bread in the oven that must be attended to and my stepson is coming over.

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Filed under GhostWriting, random

2 responses to “Ahh Sweet Friday

  1. ohhh..what kind of bread? I love fresh bread out of the oven…

    spread the humor:charlywalker.wordpress.com

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