Tag Archives: politics

Cater to the Masses, not the Loudest

We have become a society of weak, willed, whiny, wusses…I am sick to death of people that take offense at every little thing becuase it doesn’t fit into their nice neat little world. You want everyone to get along with you, why not try getting along with them?

I am sick of seeing people crying about their religion, if you believe in something so be it. I don’t need to believe it just because you do, keep it to yourself.

If your black, female, Hispanic, Asian…whatever, I DON’T CARE. You are human (or I hope) push for equality, not superiority. You should not be handed something just because you were born.

If there is a joke that bothers you, or you find something offensive suck it up, specially if it was not aimed at you. If the same person repeatedly offends you, then move on, obviously you and that person have differences.

If you overhear something that offends you, remember that it is rude to eavesdrop.

If you have never worked a day in your life and are a drain on systems that others pay into, you should be dumped off of it. I don’t care if you are handicapped, there are plenty of people worse off than you who function in society.

This society is collapsing because everyone is listening to the whiny minority and giving in to them.

– April Carvelli

I had put this on Facebook and it seems to be going viral among my circle. This is what I believe and I don’t care if you are offended, you have a right to be offended, just as I have a right to post what I wise.


Filed under politics / religion

The wonderful thing about us..

Today I read a blog post that totally disgusted me and made me sorry to even walk the same planet as the poster. We’ve all seen these, stuff that is so far off of what you consider right that you find yourself getting upset.

And you have a right to be, just like that poster has the right to put whatever they want on blog. It is their blog. I may not agree with him, I may even think he is a {Insert preferred string of profanities here}, but I will defend his right to post his opinions. That is the beauty of living in the western world, or even parts of Europe.

As a Canadian I like to think I have an even better perspective on the freedoms that Americans frequently tout. Growing up I wasn’t bottle fed American history, I was given world history. I saw the U.S. from the outside, yet was still in many ways, was considered one of them. The U.S. was founded by a religious group who fled Europe in the hopes of finding a place they could follow their beliefs as they wished, they were the Puritans. The Puritans then proceeded to do what they claimed everyone else did and forced their beliefs on the native people and anyone else they could get hold of. That has been continuing ad nauseam for all of recorded history. Freedoms are only freedoms that the dominant party perceives.

Everyone thinks that their beliefs are correct, everyone else is wrong. You as ‘free thinking‘ American will let Jimmy-Jo continue to think that the moon is made of cheese, but you can’t keep yourself from pointing out moon rocks and laws of probability. You might even ask him how the fermented milk product made its way up there, after all you don’t see any space cows (or goats). You want to point out the error of his ways, you want to show him how wrong he is. You might even tell him that you believe he is wrong, but you can’t force him from his beliefs.

And as a resident of the U.S., a Canadian and a human being I will laugh at him behind his back…becuase that is my right.

And I think I rambled on this post, that’s what happens when you type while aggravated and then distracted by a child, but I’m going to post this anyhow…because once again, that is my right.

April Carvelli
Killer Tea Cup

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Filed under politics / religion, random