The wonderful things about me….

  April Carvelli is an immigrant into the U.S. from the forgotten land of Canada (Hey Dere). She hopes to make a living using her brains instead of muscle and by being her own boss. Next time April starts complaining about demanding bosses she has only herself to blame.

She has a steady ghostwriting clientele including an engineering firm in Abu Dhabi, a parenting blog, a shipping company, and a real estate broker. She has sold several articles on various topics from parenting to waste water filtration.

Articles published under her name can be found on Imperfect Parent, Helium, Carsugar, Socially Active, CableTV, Daily Glow, and Digital Landing

 Ghostofwriter is her daily trials as she attempts to make a living in the world of words.

 Killerteacup is her online portfolio and the home of random writings and articles, many of them test writings

For a portfolio of published works

She has been collecting SPAM(not the edible type)…spam emails will be posted at

Her newest project is a blog on saving and making money called Show Me The Way To

She can be reached via twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or email

19 responses to “The wonderful things about me….

  1. Hi, April. Thanks for visiting my blog this morning. I took the opportunity to browse your pages here and like what I see. A great deal. I wish you well in your career. Freelancing is a tough field, but I guess you know that by now. All the very best to you and yours!

  2. Pingback: Busy, busy, busy | ghostofawriter

  3. safarigirl

    April, thanks for reading my post, “Writing My Brains Out”. You go girl! Keep writing and writing. And believing!

  4. onlineghostwriterforhire

    And…she is beautiful!
    Awesome work, April!
    Many Blessings!

  5. Hi April,
    You’ve been quiet lately. Everything ok? Or just busy?


  6. Very nice. How did you do it? Can you give me some tips? I”ve been trying real hard with not results so far.

    • It’s a lot of persistence and luck. One of the keys is to apply to writing jobs like any other job, don’t use a generic “hire me” write a proper cover letter for each one you apply for. That is what makes you stand out

  7. Oh! By the way, can you visit my blog, too? I would appreciate a good lashing.

  8. How did you get started. i was ghost writing for a business school blog through elance but it only lasted two seasons. And the pay sucked.

    • I started small and cheap just so I could get my name on published work and build up a portfolio. Once I had a portfolio I started charging a little bit more and gradually worked my way up. The key to getting jobs is to write a good cover letter, don’t go generic..make yourself stand out and showcase your skills.

  9. Thanks for the feedback. Tried it myself and I think there is a glitch in my site. I have my web guy look into it. How about sharing it with here? Is that ok with you?

  10. Was it through elance or odes? I find these sites too much of a hassle.

    • I actually started on Peopleperhour, and freelancer then as I gained experience I moved up to oDesk and Elance. I also use Craiglist, local newspapers and problogger. One of my best clients is a local,. I went through the phone book and looked up a lot of the smaller local companies, then I wrote them letters and offered my services.

      Think of yourself as a prostitute, because that is what you are doing…selling yourself. Start on the street corner, get some skill and charm then use it all to work your way to high price call girl. I hope to one day be a Madame and have others working for me.

  11. You are tough and can talk street-wise. I will try the places you’ve been through but I don’t like either elance or odesk. Too much hassle there.

    Have a nice day and take care.

  12. It’s tough out there. Good luck.

  13. My Comments page is up now. Have a nice day.

  14. Pingback: Finding Parking in NYC

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